Friday 2 November 2012

Day 1 Food

Day 1 Food Journal

Post your daily food intake in comments.

Before and After Shots

Before and After Shots

Brad "Popeye" Kohler
Height: 5"6
Weight Before: 215 lbs 
Weight After: 227lbs
Favorite Crossfit Action: pullups
Favorite Meal: turkey meatballs and sweet potato mash
Average Sleep/Night: 7hrs

Height: 5"6
Weight Before: 156 lbs
Weight After: 150lbs
Favorite Crossfit Action: Rowing
Favorite Meal: Bacon and eggs
Average Sleep/Night: 7.5hrs


We are starting our TNL challenge (training,nutrition,lifestyle) Monday Nov 12.
Friday Nov 9  at 6:00pm we will explain the rules of the contest, and give a practical presentation on nutrition.
There will be an option A- a $50 entry fee which enters you into the contest. Option B- a $100 entry fee which will include your own BioSignature Modulation assessment (more info here to really get a better understanding of your hormonal situation in relation to where your store your body fat. Then we work on a specific nutrition and supplement protocol.
Between 5:00 - 6:00 pm on Friday November 9th, our man Supa will be there to take your "before" picture and you will weigh in.
The challenge is a 30 day challenge, there will be money and prizes for the winner(s), we will have 3 judges to decide the winner. The decisions will be based on the 3 pilars of health and wellness.
1. Nutrition- eating a "Paleo Like" diet
2. Training- making at least 4 workouts / week (mobility class counts as a workout). A Performance test and improvements in body composition will also be factored in to your total score.
3. Lifestyle- Sleep,stress management, massage chiro,etc... each week we will be given out different Lifestyle challenges to give you a chance to add to your score.
This is the perfect time of year, just before the busy Christmas season where good nutritional habits take a back seat to Christmas parties and excess indulgences  ...